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Marketing is creativity put in action.

As a Business Administration major with an emphasis in Marketing, I have been able to apply what I've learned in the classroom towards real-world projects. From marketing-related consulting projects to online media promotion, I have learned to communicate an organization's purpose in a visually compelling way. Below you will find some of the marketing work and projects I have done.



Whether it is for a nonprofit, on-campus club, or just my personal account, I am well versed in creating and managing TikTok pages. I closely follow viral audios, trends, and current events that allow my TikToks to be funny and memorable.


When it comes to managing Instagram pages, there are many marketing assets to incorporate. From posts, stories, reels, highlights, and more, utilizing all of these elements will help create a cohesive and successful Instagram presence.


One component of marketing is having a branded website. For AIM Consulting, I redesigned their website using the Wix website builder, transitioning it from a dark theme to a lighter theme to match the brand aesthetic. My strong technical background in web and digital design has allowed me to better communicate a brand's mission and purpose.


To reach a larger audience quickly, newsletter marketing is an important tool for a brand. Using Mailchimp and GMass, I have conducted email marketing campaigns for different organization events such as Marshall Business Week and Marshall Ball.



BUAD 307 Final Deliverable

For this deliverable, my team pitched a product for an existing company by analyzing market trends, company prospects, and marketing opportunities. Our product, cleverly named the "VegaN-N-Out" Burger, is a vegan option to In-N-Out's famous burgers. Some notable highlights of our project include the segmentation and mock-ups for a promotional campaign.

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Consulting Deliverable

As a Project Manager and Managerial Consultant for Udemy, an online learning and teaching marketplace, I led a team of 6 consultants on this project. Our scope focused on coming up with a competitive payout rate for their subscription affiliate program and marketing strategies to promote this. While this project is still in progress, these slides showcases our competitior analyses.

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Consulting Deliverable

As a marketing consultant, I worked with Curacao, a Latinx retail store chain to expand their market outside of their current target demographic. On the left is the final consulting deck my team created after numerous focus groups, primary and secondary research, and digital audits, which includes recommendations for their online and in-store experiences.

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Gong Cha

Consulting Deliverable

As a managemenet consultant, I worked with Gong Cha, an international tea beverage franchise to audit their social media platforms and reevaluate their approach for promotion. On the right is a midsemester consulting deck with initial recommendations based off of our research. Our client is currently working on implementing some of our recommendations.

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Lil Nas X

Marketing in the News Research

Marketing in the News was a research project in my BUAD 307 course where we had to analyze a marketing campaign through the lens of business concepts we learned in the class. My topic was on Lil Nas Xs promotional campign for his new album Montero. Using the Marketing Mix and SWOT Analysis, I was able to quantify if this campaign was a success or not.

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Clowncast Podcast

Clowncast is a podcast I started with my friend where we talk about anything and everything, from school to pop culture and even current events. As the social media manager, I created a brand identiy for Clowncast, which includes our logos, fonts, and colors.

Marshall Business Student Community

MBSC serves every undergraduate Marshall student by acting as a liaison between the administration and students. We believe that it is our responsibility to create relationships between students, faculty, and alumni that ensures an inclusive and resourceful community. As Vice President of Marketing, I created a new brand identity as part of our rebranding initiative for Spring 2021.

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